Our Products

About Us

Tía Lucca Cía. Ltda. Products

Is a company created with the pioneering idea of ​​producing ready-to-consume foods.

Our company manufactures frozen meals such as:

pizzas, empanadas, lasagne and ravioli.

During its early stages it had only one product; nowaday it produces four different products in 12 flavors.

Our Location

Every day, from 10:00 to 20:00

Tía Lucca Address : Av. Enrique Arízaga Vega y Av. De las Américas. Vía medio Ejido sector parque del Dragón.

See Google Maps
Phone: +593 7 4093986, +593 7 2856074, 093-123157
E-mail: productostialucca@hotmail.com
Cuenca, Ecuador